Thank You North Arlington

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Canceled Meeting

First of all. I just want to say "Thank You" to all the people who have supported my family. Your support has been fantastic. You are the reason why the meeting was cancelled.

People can say what they want. But I believe certain developers, hair dressers and politicians wanted no part of borough hall being full of citizens and the media asking hard questions. But this fight is far from over. Eminent Domain will probably be used across the street from me 601-624 ridge road. I guess that is where Palumbo, Sanborn's and the Capodagli builders will target next.

That simply means the process that our borough has to use Eminent Domain has to be stopped. We have to fight Eminent Domain anywhere in the borough. Nobody has the right to take your property from you and hand it over to a developer. We are all still targets.

Here is the latest letter. This one is actually from the borough of North Arlington.


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